Native Plant Approved List
Printable Rack Card
Native Tree Approved List
Proper Tree Planting Techniques
Social Media Images and Text
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Facebook / Instagram Text:  
The Johnson County Stormwater Management Program is pleased to announce a new website to help individual homeowners and businesses find resources to improve stormwater quality. These resources include reimbursement of up to 50% of material costs and installations of a qualifying garden, rain barrel, or native tree in your landscape! Visit for more information! 

#JOCO Stormwater introduces a new resource website for its residents featuring a reimbursement program for qualifying garden, rain barrel, or native tree installations!  

Website Introductory Text:
<< insert city name>> is pleased to announce CONTAIN THE RAIN JOCO, a new website to help homeowners and businesses find information on sustainable landscape solutions. You may be eligible for up to 50% reimbursement of materials and installation costs from << insert city name >> by planting native trees, installing pollinator and native plants, planting rain gardens and adding rain barrels. Click here for more information and to apply for reimbursement:

Facebook Image:

Facebook Image:

Facebook / Instagram Text: 
Are you thinking about installing a rain garden? Johnson County homeowners and businesses could receive up to 50% reimbursement for approved rain garden installations on their property. Visit to find out if you are eligible and how to apply.  
#JOCO homeowners: Did you know you could be eligible to receive up to a 50% reimbursement for installing an approved #raingarden? Find out how at!  

TOOL KIT: Marketing Materials for Johnson County Cities

The following resources were developed to help JOCO Cities market Contain the Rain  program to residents. 

Printable Handouts for Tabling Events
Click on the pdf link to download and save to your desktop.

Instagram Image:

Instagram Image:

Facebook Image:

Instagram Image:

Facebook Image:

Instagram Image:

Facebook Image:

Instagram Image:

Facebook / Instagram Text: 
Native plants not only help filter and collect rainwater, they also provide a great food source and habitat for pollinators. You can create a beautiful landscape while supporting the environment. If that wasn’t enough, JOCO homeowners and businesses could receive up to a 50% reimbursement of the costs of planting a native garden! Visit to find out if you’re eligible! 

#JOCO homeowners: Did you know you could be eligible to receive up to a 50% reimbursement for planting #nativeplants? Find out how at!  
Facebook / Instagram Text: 
Are you thinking about installing a rain garden? Johnson County homeowners and businesses could receive up to 50% reimbursement for approved rain garden installations on their property. Visit to find out if you are eligible and how to apply.  
#JOCO homeowners: Did you know you could be eligible to receive up to a 50% reimbursement for installing an approved #raingarden? Find out how at!  
Facebook / Instagram Text: 
Did you know that just a half inch of rain could provide more than enough water from your roof to fill a standard rain barrel? That’s free water to use on your outdoor plants! JOCO homeowners could also get up to 50% reimbursed if you purchase and install a rain barrel. Go to to find out if you are eligible!  

Rain barrels can provide a free source of water for your outdoor plants. And, #JOCO residents could get up to 50% reimbursed on the purchase of a #rainbarrel. Find out if you are eligible at  

Instagram / Website Image:

Instagram / Website Image:

Instagram / Website Image: